Monday, August 19, 2013

Bogan School Fall Schedule

One day I may try to blog regularly. Until then. . . .

Been talking about my homeschool schedule lately to some people, so I wanted to post it. I must say that I am extremely schedule-driven & thankfully my boys appreciate routine as well. We don't always follow it 100%, especially with just starting school in my 3rd trimester, but things go smoother when we do.

I expect things may change when Lily arrives, but so far (3rd week of school), this is working well. I decided to try teaching on MWF only this year, but quickly realized Will's language arts wouldn't fit into 3 days, so he gets 4 of that. But otherwise it's working, and we are enjoying the lighter days. The boys' grandma comes on Tuesday afternoons for a few hours to give me time for kid-free errands, or these days, OB appointments. Our co-op will start in a few weeks, and that will be on Thursday afternoons, so having a light schedule those days is nice. Will is really enjoying his academic-free Thursday as well!

Hmm. I was able to copy/paste my meal plan charts but this is not working. I will try to type it.

Mon & Wed.:
Chore/devo time 8:30
school starts 9:00
Alex & Will BIble
Alex - language arts/Will - writing page& coloring
Alex - Independent work (IW) /Will-lang arts
Break time
Alex & Will math

Chore/devo time 8:30
school starts 9:00
Alex & Will - AWANA review
Alex - independent work/Will - lang arts
Alex - read with Mama/Will - writing & coloring page
Break time
Alex - art time/ Will - free time
*Grandma comes Tues 1-3

Chore/devo time 8:30
School starts 9:00
Alex weekly writing project/Will - cooking class
Alex - spelling test & IW/ Will -art via dvd
Alex - read with Mama

**Co-op starts 9/12 1:15-3:30

Fri -
Chore/devo time 8:30
School starts 9:00
Alex & Will Bible/visit once/month
Alex - lang arts/ Will - click n read online
Alex - IW/Will - lang
Break Time
Alex & Will math

On nice days I send the kids outside to play during break, on wet days we stay inside & do Family Time Fitness activities. I try to get them outside to play as soon as we get done with work again, unless we need to run errands. Will's activities don't take nearly as long as Alex's corresponding activities, so he gets to play until the next transition.

**Alex's history is done during IW time. We will add science after Christmas & health in the spring so our days will be longer then. Alex currently does Language arts: reading, spelling, writing, grammar, math, Bible, history, and art. Will currently does Language arts: phonics/reading, writing, math, Bible, cooking, & art.