Thursday, December 27, 2012

Been a Long Time. . .

Sorry, faithful readers (if I have any), for not posting for a long time. My life as a wife, mom, and homeschool mom is very busy, and I do not take much time to sit down and read on a regular basis. However, it is our Christmas break, and I have been reading a bit this week, so will have some titles to review soon. I have read some of the Jim Erskine Easy Homeschooling series titles, and just finished Andrew Zahns's 10 Commandments for Creatives.

I think I was planning a series of reviews back in September, but since I don't remember what that was, obviously we are not continuing that at this time. I appreciate those who blog every day, but this blog is not THAT. I will reread my past posts to see if there is something I need to finish up.