Monday, June 18, 2012

Homeschooling Resources by Debra Bell

I have had several friends say they are homeschooling this Fall as well, including one who said she does not read much so was looking forward to seeing some homeschool stuff on my blog.  I don't have time for an in depth look at these resources, but wanted to give a quick overview.

The first book I will discuss is The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell (Tommy Nelson, 2005). I purchased the 3rd edition used, but I believe there is a newer edition out. I also had never heard of the Thomas Nelson division that published this book! This is a great resource for those considering or starting homeschooling.

She starts the book with a section called "Homeschooling: Is it for You?" which discusses advantages of homeschooling, challenges of homeschooling, and special situations, as well as gives a worksheet to help your family decide if homeschooling is a good option (p. 65). Other sections include choosing curriculum, planning for homeschool, preventing burnout, what to teach, homeschooling teens, computers, and more.

What I love about this book are the TONS of resources listed such as homeschooling organizations, suppliers, and contests. I have a lot more reading to do before I finish the guide, but I have found it very easy to read, and very easy to find the most relevant information to your situation.

 I really appreciate her chapter on "Determining your Child's Learning Style." I have done a lot of research on this topic (In fact, had I continued with my school, I would be presenting on this topic at our regional teacher's convention in the Fall.), and homeschooling parents (or parents who send their kids to school for that matter) can definitely save themselves a lot of headaches by figuring that out! I am actually planning to write a post on a book that talks about strategies to help your child (or you) learn anything!*

I do not agree with everything she says, but again, with reading anything, you put it through the sieve of God's Word and your own value system, throw out what doesn't pass the test and try to use what does! Overall, a great resource for those considering or starting out on homeschool. I will try to review more of the content as I read more of the book.

I will start a new post for The Ultimate Homeschool Planner.

*Look for The Key to Learning Anything coming soon in my blog. In the meantime, you can download it for your Kindle for $.99 or order it from or

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